This page is a tool for consultation, reinforcement and extension of the basic learning worked in the classroom for the students of the center. In no case can it be compared or replaced qualitatively by the study of the instrument through a continuous and face-to-face monitoring ”in a specialized center or Traditional School. One of our objectives is precisely to motivate and initiate you in the instrument / s thus enhancing, in the near future, your active participation in the different Associations of Music and Traditional Dance of the City Council. who work day in and day out in this field.
As well as, of course, in other types of formations, projects and musical initiatives of various styles. We invite you to learn more about the great work of those mentioned Cultural Associations . Click on the images to enter their profiles !!
Tele Ramalloseir@s
Tele Ramalloseir@s
Directo no Museo Nacional de Antropoloxía (PNO)
"Cóntame un conto"_CEIP Plur da Ramallosa TEO (Vídeo Resumo22_23 )
“EXPO de cabazas do Samaín”
Choose your musicians or teachers favorites and take advantage of all your "tricks"
The perfect complement to your face-to-face music and "Traditional Percussion" classes, through private lessons in the comfort of the yours house.
And all this, from the hand of a wide range of masters in the subject!
This project will enlarge the your love and passion for Galician music!