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Music Producers


Here we leave you with different musical compositions that we have been creating over the last few years at the center. Music created to use them at an educational and informative level in our projects, activities, commemorations ...

We think that above all, they are in the end, a beautiful gift for all of us who feel Ramalloseir @ s. A sign of identity that grows our self-esteem as an Educational Community.

"Something they have to bring"

Work registered and submitted to the contest of the Television of Galicia (TVG), "The song of Christmas 2021".

You can already hear it and sing it with the lyrics here !!



Here we leave the video clip of the official song of our project this year, "EcoTeo; Ramalloseir @ s with nature."

It was a work carried out with the students of 6º of Ed. Infantil. Always with the invaluable help of the tutors! In this case, Monica and Laura

Many thanks to all the families, students and teachers participating in the Project throughout these courses.

Let us always remember, that we live, thanks to the gifts of our our planet!

It is our "vital obligation" to respect him and to give him alms day by day among all.

Let's be responsible!

Thanks also to "A CASA DO ROCK", official center of the "RockSchool MUSIC" in Santiago de Compostela. For giving us the instrumental basis on which we made the relevant musical arrangements and the lyrics of the song, to create the theme of this year's Project.

"Official Anthem of the Center"

The quintessential song of the ramalloseiros / as !! This adaptation of the well-known theme of the group ColdPlay (Viva la Vida), has magical powers to make our little hearts tremble and jump our tears. Here we leave the final result and also a karaoke version for you to enjoy singing.

"The Violet Door" (25N) 

Here we leave the recording of the musical arrangement of this song versioned in Galician to commemorate the "World Day Against Gender Violence" on November 25.

We have included in the video the video tutorial to play in ukulele and the lyrics to sing in karaoke mode.

We also provide the video with the final result of the whole work, in which the students of 4ºA also represented the whole song with sign language.

"Blues da Convivencia"

Canción oficial do "Proxecto de Convivencia" do CEIP da Ramallosa (Teo).
Unha aportación da "Área de Ed. Musical" ao "Proxecto de Convivencia do centro" coordinado polo Departamento de Orientación. Como todo o traballo do centro, sempre baixo o apoio e cooperación interdisciplinar dos diferentes equipos do centro; Dinamización da Lingua Galega, Biblioteca, TIC´s...


 A nosa canción oficial da celebración no cole do "Samaín" e o "Magosto".


 Aquí vos deixamos a nosa candidatura deste ano ao "Enreguéifate 2021". Unha regueifa con temática COVID á que non lle falta a retranca e sátira propias deste xénero. Un aplauso para "Os Ramalloseir@s"!! 

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