Recovery of the Galician Musical Heritage of the XIX-XX Centuries in our City Council
Project " COLLECTION: Jewels of our ancestors"
We live in an increasingly urban Galicia, where generational changes,
the media and globalization impose a new way of life
of costasao our rich cultural heritage.
The traditional Galician music that has been created over the centuries is partly collected and studied, with recordings and documents that allow its transmission over time. We are dealing with the last generation of people who learned these pieces in their real context in a society that was very different from today. For example, when we learn a regueifa dance today, we no longer think of the sweet bread cake (the regueifa) that was handed out at a wedding after the dance; today it is a dance out of context and without its original function.
Before, music was learned in groups with the community and orally, not like today, in schools and conservatories, rather individually and in writing, or even online.
(Ignacio Portela Gómez-Macías - For the Project "A Nosa Música" - Consellería de Ed. E Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia)

Two moments of "collection" with the great Xavier Díaz and one of the greatest in Galician music; Consuelo Vázquez ( Consuelo dos Queijos ). The Paradise (Berdillo-Carballo), 1934-2021
Thanks to her and other "majors", innumerable traditional pieces of our Galician music and culture have been recovered.
The Before and After: Fruits of the Collections
Consuelo dos Queixos tells the story behind Xabier Díaz 's song "No salón das cereixas"

Coming soon here ...
The collections of the students of the CEIP of A Ramallosa in the City Council of Teo !!
From the area of Ed. Musical we will carry out a project of
“Collection of traditional songs from our elders”; "Jewels of our ancestors."
The activity consists of the children asking their grandparents, great-grandparents, neighbors, ...
If you know any traditional pieces they sang when they were young.
The ultimate goal is to make a "bank" of old traditional songs of our city and sing and play them in the classroom.
In this way we intend to put our grain of sand so that many of these pieces are not lost
and discover among all new gems of our music.
On the other hand, it is a way to motivate students towards the importance of pampering our language, music and culture in general.
For they are the future and it is in their hands that we do not lose these our treasures that are our hallmark.
To record the pieces that you are discovering with your children, the best way would be for you to make a video recording of the singers, musicians and even dancers that you find. That way we can see how to sing,
play or dance the piece in question. So we can make a record as "faithful" as possible.
You can send all the video collections to the following email:
Or to the following whatssap number of the center:
+34 646 68 24 82
Indicating in a short text the following data:
* Part name.
* Place, parish and original City council of the Collection (where they sang it).
* Name and age of the source (person we recorded).
* Name of the student doing the collection. In the case of doing it between siblings indicate it as well.
* Transcription of the letter of the piece (if possible).
Without further ado and thanking you in advance for your collaboration, I send you a big hug and lots and lots of music !!

"American Shell"
Name: Concha Rodriguez Estévez // Family Toponymy: "American Shell" // Age: 73 years // Place: Castrelo do Val (Teo)
- Student collection: Mencía Núñez -
Peza: "Para vir a xunta min"
Nome da "informante":
Carmen Cancela Noya
Toponimia Familiar: "Pendente"
Idade: 62 anos
Gontar- Val do Dubra (A Coruña)
Recollida da alumna:
Abril García Devesa
Peza: "Muiñeira de Amoedo"
Nome da "informante":
Toponimia Familiar: "Pendente"
Idade: Pendente anos
Pazos de Borbén (Pontevedra)
Recollida do alumno:
Hugo Martínez Nariño
Peza: "Polo río abaixo vai (vers. Lucí-Teo)"
Nome da "informante":
Digna Martinez Cao
Toponimia Familiar: "A casa de Digna a peluquera"
Idade: 77
Lucí, concello de (Teo)
Recollida das alumnas:
Laura Iglesias Mosquera e Alba Iglesias Mosquera
Peza: "Muiñeira de Pererira"
Nome da "informante":
Fatima 33 - Faustino 68
Toponimia Familiar: "A casa da porqueira"
Idade: 33 - 68
Ourense (A Mezquita - Manzalvos)
Recollida das alumnas:
Enma Miranda
Peza: "Unha noite no muíño"
Nome da "informante":
María Alicia Pereiro
Toponimia Familiar: "A casa de Pereiro"
Idade: 76
Aldea da Toxa - San Fins de Quión - Concello de Touro
Recollida das alumnas:
Aroa Vázquez
Peza: "Pendente"
Nome da "informante":
Florinda Pérez
Toponimia Familiar:
"A de Seoane"
Idade: 90
Baamonde (Teo)
Recollida das alumnas:
Martín Buján
Peza: "Ribeirana de Liñares"
Nome da "informante":
Toponimia Familiar: "Pendente"
Idade: 76
Lugar: Teo
Recollida das alumnas:
Noa Lesta
Peza: "pendente"
Nome da "informante":
Toponimia Familiar: "Pendente"
Idade: pendente
Recollida das alumnas: